Why to avoid traveling with a Fake Hermès Bag?


Fake Hermès handbags can be everywhere online, and there is a very good chance that you end up purchasing a counterfeit bag without knowing it, especially if you buy from untrustworthy resellers or sketchy websites that don’t offer any kind of control or guarantee over their bags.

The reality is that owning a fake handbag is not the ideal, and even less so if you plan on embarking on a flight with it, as you can be at risk of facing legal charges and even going to prison for a short period of time. Next, we will show you the reasons why traveling with a fake Hermès bag is not the way to go. Learn more!

  1. Custom controls at airports
  2. Which are the countries that sanction fake luxury products?
  3. What to do if you accidentally buy a fake Hermès bag?
  4. How to travel with real Hermès bags?

Custom controls at airports


In the last few years it has been registered that some security measures at airports have been on the hunt for fake luxury goods that travelers carry on their travel bags, or even as an accessory while walking around the airports.

A particular case was recorded at Georgia’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport in Atlanta, where Border Patrol officials taught a lesson about carrying counterfeited items during travels, displaying a collection of fake products that were identified and confiscated from passengers.

This proves that nowadays Border Patrol officers and Customs are prepared to identify fake products when passengers go through the reglementary controls before boarding a flight or entering a country. This means that they have instructions to examine your luxury products and take them away if they prove to be fake, to avoid security risks and even health threats, as some fake products are made with toxic substances that can jeopardize wellbeing.

Which are the countries that sanction fake luxury products?


Prior to this case in the United States, there have been clear laws imposed specifically in France, as it is a country that is well-known for its original luxury fashion brands, so to find a counterfeited product entering or leaving its borders proves a threat and a crime that can be punished with time in jail or a hefty sanction.

French airports went as far as adding posters throughout the facilities that warned about carrying fake luxury goods, stating that those that didn’t comply with the law can be exposed to a fine of €300,000 and even three years of imprisonment. France is one of the countries that takes this measure seriously, and all of their custom officers are trained to identify fake luxury products, so it is best to avoid this risk and leave behind any presumably fake handbag.

Italy is another of the countries that has a very clear law regarding fake luxury products. In the airport in Rome there is a display with different designer products that seem to be authentic, but are actually counterfeits, and there is a sign that reads: “Counterfeit goods seized by Rome Custom Office” Meaning that they are warning those that travel with fake products and letting them know that their officers are ready to confiscate any accessory that seems remotely fake, to avoid potential security risks, scams and even health threats.

What to do if you accidentally buy a fake Hermès bag?


If you buy Hermès handbags online there is a very high risk of buying a fake one, and that is something that can happen to anyone, from beginners to seasoned buyers, so you can’t have total control of this situation, and sometimes it just happens, whether because you trusted a sketchy reseller, or you just got cheated and fooled by an expert scammer. Either way, it does represent a big let down and a loss of your investment.

However, if you bought a fake handbag by accident you can try to report the seller to the law if you have enough proof of the transaction and conversations you held. If you don’t have enough proof or you’re not sure of reporting them, the only choice you have is to keep the bag and try to use it, but never try to sell it back to anyone.

Once you have a fake bag, never travel with it, not even on a domestic flight, because you can be at risk of getting caught, so they can take away the bag and probably set a fine that you have to pay. In the worst case scenario you can get prison time, so you must be very careful and try not to get into a plane with one of these bags.

However, you can still use the bag to some events or outings in your city that don’t require any security checkup. Another key point that you have to keep in mind is that you should never take the fake bag to the Hermès spa or restoration service, as the brand is authorized to take away and destroy any bag that proves to be fake. You won’t get into trouble at Hermès, nor will you face legal charges or fines, but you will lose your handbag.

If you want to avoid purchasing a fake Hermès bag online, consult this guide on how to avoid being scammed.

How to travel with real Hermès bags?


Now you must be wondering what to do if you want to travel with one of your real Hermès bags. In this case, it is important to take the bag’s documentation with you during your trip, because if there is a misunderstanding and the custom officers think you may have a fake bag, you can always show them the official invoices or any additional proof that states that the bag was bought at an official Hermès store, whether you went there and bought it yourself, or you purchased it online from someone that got it from a store. This is why it is crucial to ask for enough authenticity documents before buying a Hermès bag online.

Finally, it is recommended that you keep your Hermès bags at home, and you only take them with you when it is strictly necessary or when you really need to use them with one of your outfits. This way you avoid any risks of losing your bags, getting them exposed to theft or any other risks that may come with traveling with such delicate and valuable luxury accessories.

To learn more tips on how to travel with your real Hermès bags and take them safely to their destination, consult this guide on how to travel with Hermès bags.

Now that you know why it is not advised to travel with a fake Hermès bag, you can be alert and avoid it at all costs. Most importantly, you should avoid buying a counterfeit bag online, and this is why we bring you the best and safest alternative to buy an authentic brand new in box Hermès bag.

At The Birkin’s and Kelly’s House we have a broad collection of authentic and new Hermès bags that you can buy easily and safely through our online store. We provide all the necessary authenticity guarantee and documents that you require to know that your bag is 100% real.

Learn more about the Hermès bags’ authenticity levels and how to measure them.

Buy your new and authentic Hermès bags at The Birkin’s and Kelly’s House and avoid fakes!

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