Terms and Conditions

TBKH Terms and Conditions

The Services offered by The Birkins and Kellys House can only be used by a user who has first read these General Terms and Conditions and accepted them unconditionally by clicking on the appropriate box provided for the purpose. It is not possible to proceed with the subscription process without this acceptance. The user undertakes to fulfill the obligations contained within these Terms and Conditions.


Article 1. Definitions and Scope

1.1. Definitions

“User” refers to a person that has an account to be able to see an buy our products.

“Buyer” refers to a person interested in our products in order to buy them.

“The Birkins and Kellys House” also “TBKH” refers to the website and its services. This service is owned by the company Uemura LTD. with EIN number HE391455 and registered address 1-7 Archiepiskopou Makariou, Mitsi 3, 102 Nicosia, Cyprus.

“General Terms and Conditions” refers to these General Terms and Conditions of Use, as amended from time to time.

“Service” refers to the services offered on the website, such as offers and special conditions.

“Website” refers to https://thebirkinsandkellyshouse.com/


1.2. Scope

These General Terms and Conditions apply to the offer of services by The Birkins and Kellys House

The Birkins and Kellys House operates the Website which acts as an interface between the User and TBKH.

The General Terms and Conditions can be changed by The Birkins and Kellys House at any time