TBKH: The authenticity documents you receive


When it comes to purchasing highly-coveted luxury products there is always a great risk of buying a fake item, and specially when you’re dealing with Hermès handbags, as they are proven to be extremely valuable luxury items that can retain their value and appreciate with time, often doubling or tripling their value.

It is evident that there are many doubts when it comes to Hermès bag sales online, and there have certainly been many scammers and counterfeited bags throughout the years. However, this doesn’t mean that there are not honest and reliable online stores where you can buy new and authentic Hermès bags

The Birkin’s & Kelly’s House is one of the best options to do it, and here we want to show you the authenticity documents you can receive with your purchases at our online store. Don’t miss out!

  1. The official invoice
  2. The payment ticket
  3. The proof of the bank movement
  4. Handbag complete with packaging

The official invoice


In Hermès authentication, the official invoice provided at the store is the most important piece of information to verify the genuineness of any Hermès product. When it comes to Hermès handbags, it becomes even more crucial, as this document provides key information about every specific handbag.

A genuine Hermès official invoice displays the model of the bag, the type of construction (Sellier or Retourné), the skin in which the bag is made of, the color code of the bag, and the code for the type of hardware it has. But no official invoice is complete without the date stamp or blind stamp, a unique code that identifies every single Hermès bag, this code is completely unique to every bag, which means two bags can’t have the same code.

Every single detail displayed on the official invoice should match the characteristics of the bag you purchased, only in this way you can truly verify that your Hermès handbag is completely original. At The Birkin’s & Kelly’s House we take authenticity very seriously, and no handbag is delivered without its certified official invoice that proves its genuineness.

The payment ticket


Another key element to confirm the authenticity of a Hermès handbag bought online is the payment ticket handed by the store after the payment with a card was done. This small document is a very crucial piece to compare data to the one shown in the official invoice.

The date, time and amount paid should match between the payment ticket and the official invoice, demonstrating that the purchased bag was bought exactly the same day, at the same time and for the same amount.

This document is offered at our online store so you can certify that the bag you’re receiving and its official invoice matches the payment ticket, proving the true authenticity of the luxury product.

The proof of the bank movement


Although this is not something commonly offered as a proof of authenticity amongst Hermès resellers, it is an element we want to provide to go a step further and guarantee you that you’re dealing with a professional and reputable service.

The official invoice is a great proof of authenticity, but that doesn’t mean that it can’t be faked. Many people dedicate themselves to creating replicas of the Hermès invoices, so by having a third proof that matches the two previous elements and the bag, you can totally certify that neither your bag nor the invoice were faked in any way.

Banking information and movements are very hard to replicate or be faked, as they are official information that can be easily debunked if taken to the institution, so it is not something that anyone can do effortlessly. By showing you the bank movement that shows the date, time and amount paid the same way as the payment ticket and the official invoice, we’re definitely proving that the bag you purchased at our store is 100% real.

Handbag complete with packaging


One of the best ways to prove that a luxury handbag is authentic is by examining the original packaging that came with it, and in the Hermès resale market there are many marketplaces or individuals that never provide packaging, leading everyone to believe that the items were stolen from a store or from someone else. The packaging should always be present with any purchase, either at the official store or the second-hand market.

When it comes to The Birkin’s & Kelly’s House, we take pride in always providing a complete handbag with packaging, and although we buy all of our handbags from the official stores, we still perform a specialized authenticity examination to make sure that we are providing you a truly genuine piece.

Besides, at The Birkin’s and Kelly’s House we work with the highest standards of genuineness, complying with the levels of authenticity for Hermès handbags. At our online store we only sell bags that go from standard to maximum levels of authenticity. Discover more about the Hermès handbags’ authenticity levels.

To learn more about the authenticity of each Hermès handbag, consult these guides that we have prepared for you, so you’re always alert:

So now that you have learned which are the authenticity elements that you will receive with your purchases at our online store, we invite you to browse our collection of exclusive Hermès handbags so you can find exactly the piece you have always wished for.

Best of all, we don’t make you wait and you can buy your bag from the comfort of your home, without waiting lists or any other inconvenience.

Discover The Birkin’s & Kelly’s House and let it be your luxury destination!

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